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The University of Richmond Equestrian Team is an integral part of every team member's college experience. The team acts as an outlet for its members by uniting students of varied interests with a common passion for riding. Members of URET are expected to uphold the University of Richmond's honor code in all of their endeavors, both academically and in how they represent the university when competing and practicing.
Show team members compete in the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) against other members of Zone IV Region 4. IHSA shows are run by the host team and the host barn's horses are those used in the show. The mount for each rider is determined randomly at the start of each show. Riders of all skill levels are accommodated in the IHSA as there are divisions ranging from "Introductory" to "Open Over Fences". Show team members who will compete in an upcoming show are selected by the coaches in the weeks prior to each show.
Even though URET competes against schools with NCAA programs, the University of Richmond Equestrian Team has been extremely successful in Zone IV Region 4. During the 2015-2016 season, the team set aschool record by finishing the season as Reserve High Point Team, and Senior member, Reilly Cookingham was awarded the Reserve High Point Rider honor for Zone IV Region 4. For many seasons, URET has sent one or two riders to compete at IHSA Zones.
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